Thursday 9 December 2010

Mood board for my target audience

This is the mood board that is constructed for my target audience. It contains images that reflect their lifestyle, hobbies and interests. For example I added an image of a typical detached house which reflects the middle-classed background of my audience, even though they wouldn't necessarily still be living there it is what they would have been used to growing up.

Some of the music my audience would like is in the mood board. They would like music that mostly belongs in the categories of rock and indie. This is why I added the rock band "Muse" and indie band, "Band of Horses". They would read NME along with my magazine and wear clothes that resemble their music tastes. This is why I have the converse shoes on the mood board.

There is a lot of technology on the board like the laptop, the smart-phone and the Xbox controller. This is because my audience will be good with technology spending a lot of their free time using it for work, games and socialising. It will be a large part of their life. The internet would be a huge part of this, that is why i added the web browser, YouTube and online games Halo and Guitar Hero.

I added a couple of images showing sporting activities because my target audience will enjoy going outside and participating in sporting activities on occasion. They will also have been going on skiing holidays and the such because of their middle-classed background and sporty tenancies.

My target audience would enjoy going out on weekends paint-balling and going to the cinema and gigs. They would also be lazy when it comes to housework and cooking so their diet would mostly consist of food like crisps and from places like Subway and Dominoes and soft drinks like Coca-Cola. They would watch TV shows like misfits and others aimed at their age group, along with popular American shows like heroes.

In summary my audience are in their late teens to early twenties, tech savvy, middle-classed and lazy. They enjoy video games, socialising and going out with friends and rock and indie music.

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