Thursday 3 February 2011


How does your media product represent particular social groups?

Click image to view in hi-res
I chose the image of (Muse frontman) Matt Bellamy to establish how I represented the social group shown in my magazine. I chose this image because the poses of the images are very similar and I was after a similar effect when the image was taken. The lighting in both of the images is similar and neither are looking at the camera, with my shot I was aiming to make the subject look deep in thought and cool at the same time. This represents the social group as intelligent and responsible. In the interview i tried to make the subject sound like many of the audience or how the audience want to be perceived. To achieve this I tried to portray the subject in the post positive way I could. Unlike the image of Matt, my image has a much lighter, more natural backdrop which I feel makes the subject appear more genuine and more like a real person. In mainstream media people like him will be presented outside, only while vandalizing or committing similar illegal activities. I tried to make my subject appear peaceful and thoughtful in opposition of this stereotype.

In the interview on the double page spread my interviewee speaks of experiences that many of the audience will relate to, re-enforcing the bond and trust he has with the audience. He also used words like 'result!' and laughs during the interview which gives him a very laid back attitude and portrays his social group as free and relaxed.

I don't feel that I represented race, gender or class in any way specifically, even though he is definitely not working class from his clothes, hair etc.

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