Sunday 13 February 2011

Target Audience

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The above image is representative of my target audience. They are between the ages of 15 and 25, 79% of them are male, they are likely to live with their parents or with friends if they are at university or college, they will be mostly single or with a partner (not married) and they will have a background that falls into the B, C1, C2 brackets.

The psychographic profile of my target audience will mostly be aspirers because a large number of my audience will be at university or college aspiring to get a well paid job at the end of it so that they can have a luxury lifestyle.

They will like music like the bands Muse, Vampire Weekend, Band of Horses and Wolfmother. So their music taste is very much a mix of the genres Indie and Rock. The music will be fairly recent and almost all of it will be from the last 10 years. My target audience will like a wide variety of films with their favorites being classics and ones that will make them think like The Shawshank Redemption and Donnie Darko. However they will also like films aimed at their age group and comedies like Hot Fuzz, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The world.

My target audience will do a lot of shopping online from websites such as This would be mostly for their tech. They will buy music from iTunes and similar services on a regular basis. They will get a lot of their clothes and such from shops like next, Fat Face and Burtons.

My audience will buy the magazine for the exclusive articles abut their favourite bands and new ones they are new to. They will also read it for reviews of new gadgets and games.

The sorts of products that advertise in my magazine would be video games, websites, live events, albums, mobile phones, media players, televisions as well as maybe cars and online clothes shops. I feel that these are the sorts of products that my target audience are likely to purchase and be able to afford due to their background.

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